I struggle with this thing called friendship, especially since graduating. I always denied the fact that I would stop being friends with my high school friends, but for the most part, that has become the reality. You see, in high school, we are all there for thesame goal, to make it to the end in one piece and to walk across a stage to get a piece of paper saying we finished our time succesfully. In college thats different. Especially when your in a university. I see just as many cliques nowas I did in high school. They may be a little more open and not as harsh, but there definatly there. But each clique here functions differently. You have one for each field of study or in that general idea of things. But within that, you find those who have decided to act as an adult (when neccesary) and those who chose to remain a child, always running to mommy and daddy. Now im a student who lives at home, for multiple reasons, but in and of my self, im independent and can function without them telling me what my priorities need to be. I think thats why alot of friendships split after high school. WE BECOME DIFFERENT PEOPLE. And thats not to say that being a different person is a bad thing, its actually quite good. Coming to college gives you the ability to find who you are as an adult. To chase your passions and views and have others there beside you who want to do the same thing. So you find different friends, and eventually most friendships from high school will crumble, because your just not the same. For some this process is quick and easy, for others it seems like they will never get through it. The fact is, it happens to everyone eventually. You just have to find the people worth fighting for, and work on that relationship. The biggest thing of all is to NEVER FIGHT FOR A ONE SIDED FRIENDSHIP. Its just not worth it. As you grow into the person you will be, they will do nothing more than hinder you. So lay out the prorities and fight for the best. Its gonna hurt a little, but its well worth it in the end.
Best wishes