We dont embrace our moments near enough. We take for granted the idea that we will have tomorrow, when we arent even promised it! We push things off, we dont tell the people close to us how much we love them, we dont reach out to the broken, we dont do the things that we dream. Think about the person closest to you. Now imagine waking up tomorrow and finding out that they were gone, forever. What was the last thing you said to them? Do you go to bed angry, upset, arguing with them? When was the last time you told them that you love them? Hugged them? Told them that you were there for them no matter what? Think about it.
This weekend has been a serving eye opener. I spent a great majority of friday helping prepare for an easter egg hunt. I went to Chilis with a group of people and we were able to invite our waitress and her little ones. She even came to church today. That alone was enough to make the countless hours of hard work and the thousands of eggs I hand stuffed so worth it! Are you loving people around you? Ive truly been shown what happens when you reach out to others, even when youdo not know them!
Every day, write your story. Make eachday worth living. And always, always tell those you love how much they mean to you!